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Fulda Families

Birth Year Chart

Hover and click on chart bars for more info.    All info was collected before 2009.

The older 2008 system is below here for reference.

Navigation tips:  The size of the database --over 40,000 names --  makes navigation an unwieldy task.  Use the Surname List to find a family that you're interested in.  Clicking on the surname will display a list of family members on the Name Index page. (Be forewarned:  The Name Index page takes a very long time to load, especially if you have a dial-up connection.)  


Once the Name Index page appears, click on an individual's name to get details including spouse and children, and links to parents.  Links to sources are also included.  At the bottom of each page are links to the Surname List and Name Index.  The Home link at the bottom of each page brings you back to this page.  The brown "Home" button at the top of this page returns you to the site's home page. 


This database is updated several times a year.  Dates of birth, marriage and death for living people are not included.  The current version was created on 13 Jul 2008.  


You can get a copy of your family tree via e-mail in exchange for information on your branch of the family.  If you have any suggestions, corrections, additions, criticisms, or questions, please contact:

        William Vogler

        133 Owl Creek Rd.  

        Tamaqua, Pa 18252



Your feedback is enthusiastically sought.  Suggestions, corrections, additions, criticisms, and questions are welcome.  Please send your thoughts to wa3jdq@aol.com.