Selected Families and Individuals


George Burkhart

From The Caldwell Citizens' Press, 17 Mar 1881:
The examination of Geo. Burkhart charged by Geo. Hupp with Grand Larceny
resulted in the acquittal of the accused. The trial was heard before Mayor Archer,
in the Court House. Chamber & Gibbs appeared for the State and Belford & Okey
for defendant. A great many witnesses were examined and a large number of persons
attended the trial.
[Below appeared in the "Fulda Locals" column.]
Father Kluber requested me to express his thanks to Wm. C. Okey, Esq., for
courtesy shown him during the trial of G. Burkhard.
We regard the anger of Geo. Hupp as unreasonable, on the account of the dismissal
of Burkhard by Mayor Archer. He should not abuse the testimony of the 'Dutch.' If
Rev. Kluber knew him as well as he does Burkhart, he would have said the same in his
favor. Justice does not look at a man's religion, but at his honesty. Whatever Rev.
Kluber said of Burkhart was not said because he belongs to his congregation, but because
he knows him from boyhood.

George and Sarah Cawley Burkhart moved from Noble Co. OH to Kansas in 1887.

David T. Burkhart

Moved to Kansas in 1887.

Ignatz Burkhart

From the Fulda column of The Caldwell Citizens' Press on 15 Mar 1883:
Births -- March 10th, to George Burkhart and wife, a son.

Samuel Burkhart

Also known as Peter Simon Burkhart