Newsy Notes

Home Up 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1915

For the most part, the Caldwell newspapers ignored the Catholic settlement at Fulda.  As one current local historian put it, "The folks in Caldwell would just as soon have had a colony of lepers up there on the hill as a colony of Catholics."   Nevertheless, notes about Fulda appeared in the paper from time to time.  Until his untimely death on 21 Feb 1883, Father Damien Kluber, pastor of St. Mary's, was the author of the Fulda articles.  It is not known who continued the tradition after his death.    Here are links to excerpts of some of the articles that appeared in the Caldwell Citizens' Press, broken down by year. 


                              1880             1881                1882                1883          1884            1915


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This page was last updated on 07/07/18.